describe('ES6Achieve._startsWith tests', () => {
const _startsWith = ES6Achieve._startsWith;
test('_startsWith should return whether the `origin` string is composed of `target`', () => {
const origin = 'ddzy';
const received = ['d', 'yang', 'ddzyy'];
const expected = [true, false, false];
for (const [i, v] of received.entries()) {
const result = _startsWith(origin, v);
test('_startsWith should return whether the `origin` string is composed of `target` at special `index`', () => {
const origin = 'ddzy';
const received = ['ddz', 'dzy'];
const expected = [false, false];
for (const [i, v] of received.entries()) {
const result = _startsWith(origin, v, 1);